Litespeed Proxy Production Directives

24 November 2015 by admin
  1. Login to your Litespeed Admin area.
  2. Click ‘Virtual Hosts’.
  3. Select the host you want to enable the Yavli Proxy service on.
  4. Click ‘External App’ tab.
  5. Click ‘Add’ in the upper right corner to add a new ‘External Application’.
  6. For ‘Type’, select ‘Web Server’.
  7. Click ‘Next’ in the upper right corner.
  8. Make the following settings:
    Name: yavli
    Max Connections: 1500
    Connection Keep-Alive Timeout: 2
    Initial Request Timeout (secs): 3
    Retry Timeout (secs): 1
    Response Buffering: no
  9. Click ‘Save’.
  10. Click ‘Rewrite’ tab.
  11. Make the following settings under ‘Rewrite Control’:
    Enable Rewrite: yes
    Log Level: 0
  12. * Make the following settings under ‘Rewrite Rules’:
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule "(.*\.(|jpg|jpeg|gif|png))$" "http://yavli/$1" [NC,P]
  13. Restart Litespeed for changes to take effect.

Conflicting Rewrite Rules

Please note, that if you have other Rewrite Rules pertaining to images on your website, the Yavli Proxy rules may conflict with those. Therefor we recommend that you show us your existing rewrite rules (if any) before applying these changes to your website.