Yavli content must be served as 1st party content on the Publisher’s website. This is achieved by implementing proxy directives somewhere in the Publisher’s image delivery chain, which sequesters Yavli web requests from normal Publisher requests. This proxy can be implemented as a service behind the CloudFlare CDN system.
This is a guide that explains how to set up the “Proxy Behind CloudFlare CDN” using an existing image domain. Note, you may be serving content other than just images like CSS and Javascript via this domain, which is not a problem – non-image content distribution will continue to work seamlessly after this change.
Please submit details of your image origin to Yavli, i.e, where CloudFlare is currently downloading the images from. Yavli must configure the “Proxy Behind CDN” service on their end using the same origin for the images.
Proceed to the next step only once Yavli has confirmed this service is ready!