Proxy Behind CloudFlare CDN – New Image Domain

20 November 2015 by admin

Yavli content must be served as 1st party content on the Publisher’s website. This is achieved by implementing proxy directives somewhere in the Publisher’s image delivery chain, which sequesters Yavli web requests from normal Publisher requests. This proxy can be implemented as a service behind the CloudFlare CDN system.

This is a guide that explains how to set up the “Proxy Behind CloudFlare CDN” using a new image domain.


You must first decide on a new domain to be used for images. This is a common practice which brings several advantages like improved website speed and easier configuration of advanced CDN services. Typically a sub domain name like “” is used, but this can be any subdomain you prefer.

Once you know what domain name you want to use, please notify us. We will then configure the “Proxy Behind CDN” service on our end for this subdomain.

Proceed to the next step when Yavli has confirmed this service is ready.

Add Subdomain in CloudFlare

  1. Log in to your CloudFlare account.
  2. Select the main domain of your website in the upper left dropdown menu.
  3. Click on “DNS”.
  4. In the top of the page where you add new DNS entries, make these entries:
    Select “CNAME” in the first drop down.
    Name: the subdomain name you chose above, eg: “images”.
    Domain name:
    Click “Add Record”
  5. Important: Click the greyed out cloud icon under “Status” on the new sub domain entry.


Your images can now be served via your new subdomain, but you have yet to make your website serve your images from this source. If you require help with this step Yavli is happy to assist, just let us know.
Note that your website continues to operate as normal, even before this last step is completed, you do not need to worry about downtime or broken images.