Drupal 7 Plugin

8 December 2015 by admin

Install directions

  1. Download the Drupal 7 Plugin here: drupal7-resilience-module-v2.0.3.zip
  2. Login to your Admin panel.
  3. Go to Modules -> Install new module -> Upload file -> Install -> Enable newly added moules.
  4. Ensure “Yavli Resilience” module has “enabled” ticked.
  5. Click “Configure” on Yavli Resilience Module.
  6. Insert your credentials (given to you by a Yavli representative via email).
  7. Make sure “enabled” is ticked.
  8. Click “Save & Refresh”.

Note: if you have an older Yavli plugin installed, please uninstall it before or after installing the new plugin.